St Agnes was established in 1913 and has always been a Mission of St John's. We share a spirit of fellowship, stewardship, and education. We also share one Pastor, Parish Rectory, Office, and Secretary. Volunteers are cherished in our churches!
St. Agnes
Tuesdays at 5:30 pm
Secretary: Kristie Walz Office: 308-636-2421
September - May
K-6th: 3:45 pm
DRE: Aleta Ambler 308-870-0470
Eugene Andre
John Beshaler
Lee Eastburn (H,M,& L)
Deanna McDonald (CCW & Outreach)
Barb Foran (Stewardship)
Aleta Ambler (Faith Formation)
St Boniface was established in 1908 and became a Mission of St John's in 1994. We share a spirit of fellowship, stewardship, and education. We also share one Pastor, Parish Rectory, Office, and Secretary. Volunteers are cherished in our churches!
St. Boniface
Thursday 5:30 pm
Secretary: Kristie Walz Office: 308-636-2421
Religious Ed on Wednesdays
September - April
K -8th - meal @ 6:10 pm,
High School - meal 6:50 pm
Class @ 7:00 pm
DRE: Karla Pandorf 308-870-1947
David Pandorf
Duane Kimball
Sue Phelps (H,M,& L)
Tessa Smith (Stewardship)
Karla Pandorf (Faith Formation)
Kristen Berger (CCW & Outreach)
St. John the Evangelist was established in 1913. We share a spirit of fellowship, stewardship, and education. We also share one Pastor, Parish Rectory, Office, and Secretary. Volunteers are cherished in our churches!
St. John The Evangelist
Monday, Wednesday 7:00 AM
Friday 8:30AM
Secretary: Kristie Walz Office: 308-636-2421
Religious Ed on Wednesdays
K-6 -@ 4:00-5:15 pm
7 - 12th grades - meal @ 6:30 pm, class @ 7:00 pm
DRE: Jennifer Johnston 308-636-2388
Ivan Schacher
Cody Sierks
Luke Boeser (Stewardship)
Jennifer Johnston - DRE (Faith Formation)
Jon Walz
Kristie Walz (Altar Society & Outreach)